“Now comes the threat of climate
crisis--a threat that is real, rising, imminent, and universal. Once again, it
is the 11th hour,”(Al Gore, in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace
Prize). Al Gore lines recalled our memories, there are lots of disasters have
been happening recently. It is not just a faith but it's also human’s attitude
that makes all happen. We cannot just keep in silences, blind and deaf as long
as it's all not happening to us.
If we make such a root cause
analysis and we put the main impact front which is climate crisis, we will find
the cause at the back refers to human's attitude. So what we need to fix,
basically from the human’s attitude that has been becoming a habit. I live in
Indonesia who comes from variety in culture, race, languages and background,
first thing that I want to do when I come to a local community in my country I
would like to learn deeply about their habituation, livelihood, culture and
their background so it will make me easier to do horizontal communication with
them face to face to make a common purpose about what actually they have
already done for the environment, meaning of the climate crisis, difficulties
by running their live as environmental roles, sharing knowledge about WED a – z
behavior, and give them the real description about the impact that would happen
if they don’t act from now. This is really important to increase people’s
recognition because there are so many people who live in village especially,
perhaps they are not careless because they don’t know what actually happen.
Indonesia has approximately 120,35 million
Ha of Forest equals with four big countries in Europe (England, German, France
and Finland). Now deforestation happen almost 1,6 – 2,1 million Ha/
year.(Forest Department). This also mostly comes from irresponsible human’s
attitude. So the second thing that I would like to do is persuade people or
local community after they have understood to planting trees in their open area,
and not just about planting trees but also monitoring of their growth, percentage
of their successful growth. These also really hold an important role because
our involvement is not just until planting the tree but also ensure it will grow
well. Then it’s called success.
Those will not happen if it’s only including
me to contribute, The world need us to act. Like my favorite quote said :
individual decisions may seem small in the face of global threats and trends,
when billions of people join forces in common purpose, we can make a tremendous
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon
So the third thing that I would like
to do is finding people who have the same vision about the environment with me
to create a community and make all happen. Because I believe by spreading the
same dream we can make it happen together… Lets green the world!
mantap nih..
ReplyDeleteknpa jd consern ke kehutanan de? hehe
masalh kehutanan tuh complex, ga bisa di pandang dari satu sisi, deforestasi yg terjadi udah puluhan taun yg lalu tu banyak pihak penyebabnya, mulai dari bawah sampe atas...
simple nya ga bisa di selesein cm dr atas aja or dr bawah aja..harus semuanya..
menteri kehutanan yang sekarang udah ngelarang pembukaan HPH baru dan menggalakan penanaman sejuta pohon...
yang penting kata pa haryanto dosen aa tuh "think globaly act localy" langkah nyata nya yah harus menanam..menanam..konservasi..langkah nyatanya
yes a..i want to show the world that indonesia has really large forest which can much contribute to save the world from the climate cricis and deforestation is a fact and it's still happen up till now, it's a prove of irresponsible human attitude who has destroyed "the lung of the world".
Deletethis writing is intended to people who believe that we together can make a tremendous difference for the world... thanks a...bismillah..niat baik dengan rencana baik insyallah segera terlaksana dengan baik dan berhasil baik..amien ya Rabb
knp jd consern ke kehutanan de?
ReplyDeletedr kementerian kehutanan udah ngeluarin program OBIT One Billion Indonesian Trees
menteri kehutanan menggalakan penanaman, dan ngeluarin peraturan tentang pembukaan HPH lagi ga ada eksploitasi lagi sekarang..
eranya konservasi sekarang,,
klo kata dosen aa "Think globaly act localy"
yg bisa kita lakukan sekarang ialah nanem pohon di halaman,,di belakang di sekitar lingkungan kita..buat hijau lingkungan kita..gitu..hehe
Satuju gan... ayo bantu share blog ini a...to make them realize and care about the world...
DeleteSetuju sekali dengan tulisannya de. Yuk, kita buat hidup lebih baik, lebih hijau, lebih menyegarkan, lebih memotivasi, menyemangati dan menginspirasi... mumpung masih muda.
ReplyDeleteKlo problem kehutanan, mungkin jawaban aa yang orang hutan (oopss kehutanan maksudnya :D) sudah mewakili, klo berkaitan dengan Go Green, RiRa punya tujuan yang mengarah kesana de...
Tujuan RiRa, punya pabrik tekstil dengan teknik pewarnaan alam, memberdayakan ibu2 dengan crafting, punya salon dengan produk herbal sendiri, punya restauran dengan makanan produk2 pertanian organik... back to nature, ballroom yg bernuansa Alam bisa digunakan gedung resepsi plus paket WO all in one smp honeymoon..
Membuka lapangan pekerjaan, pelatihan, pemberdayaan, sekolah gratis hafidz quran klo istilah saat ini biasa dikenal dengan sebutan corporate social responsinility..
trus dijual deh bisnis RiRa dengan sistem Franchise... Aamiin Ya Rabbalalamiin..
So, mulai dari diri sendiri, dan mulai dari saat ini ;)
wah mantep RiRa promosi di blog de Intan.hehe...wah mantep ni visi dan misi RiRa,,, jadi pengen join serius...bantu share tulisan ini ya teh..de intan doain yang terbaik buat RiRa juga...amien..
Deleteto reach the great thing should be began from a small thing
ReplyDeleteyeah thanks.... why it should be so small if we can start bigger to reach even greater thing... so help me to start big fellas together... help me to share this writing ya..
Deletevery good posting intan!
ReplyDeleteWorking in environment and study the environmental engineering are my way to act and contribute for our earth...
yeeey...caiyo kak...lets share the world, the passion to contribute for our earth by sharing this writing to others..